Friday, July 08, 2011

Using the new, simpler blogger posting interface.  It would work in for some reason.


Sunday, April 17, 2011

Having Trouble With Android & Blogger

This applies only my Android to post directly seems to have hit a snag.  We came back here to Rye Cake to work it out.


Wednesday, April 28, 2010

We're back up!

That didn't take as long as we thought it would. We've simplified how the oldest of the Famous Grazing blogs presents itself. There should be no more problems with loading it in RSS.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Sharing Google Reader with - Duck!

This was probably a rash decision, but I have set the Share button on Google Reader to share using's new feature that does just that. Now, I will test it by sharing something and then seeing to where it is posted. This may happen just once, so don't look forward to my sharing all of the useful to arcane information I think worthy of sharing when I browse through the hundreds of blogs I have Google Reader browse. -30-

Thursday, March 04, 2010

Off for Chemo #2

We are leaving at O-Dark thirty on our way to Dana Farber in Boston for our second of six rounds of Chemotherapy. Film at eleven. Well, maybe not film, but we'll try to remember to fill in the details.

Monday, March 01, 2010

Interesting Things

The "interesting" thing this morning is I am starting to shed like a dog in Summer. I know it's only March, but at least there is a hope the weather will turn warm enough for me not to have what I've come to call the cancer hats. I lean toward baseball caps myself. Now, perhaps, I'll have an excuse to wear one indoors. This is something my Marine Corps training will have a hard time with.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

If You're Following the Adventure...

The chemo #2 is on Thursday. The hair really started coming out today. Not in hand fulls but in amounts that can be noticed. I think a haircut on Friday may be in order. -30-

This is, For Now, the Last Ping.FM Post

As with most geeks, tinkering, tweaking & Configuring is what we like the best. We do believe we have corrected the double posting issue by creating a new group in Ping.FM. This will be the post that tells us if that is true.
Of course, this does nothing for the defeat of the US hockey team this evening, but we need to do something for distraction.

There Was No Joy in Mudville!

Instead of shouts of jubilation, we heard, "Oh well..." The loudest sound were the three dots ...
I would not want to be on a Canadian street for the next few hours, days perhaps. I have a feeling they will drop their famous native polite bearing and consume massive amounts of Moulson's and Seagram's S e

Pinging Again

We've reset the passwords for the blogs associated with This is our test message to confirm all of the associated blogs are receiving what is the equivalent to a mass mailing.